Department Store for the Mind

I am so happy and excited to tell you about a new, small range of products in collaboration with Department Store for the Mind, a new venture founded by Sophie Howarth. It is an emporium of beautiful objects for thoughtful people. 

And here's a special discount just for us: use coupon code 'firstaid' and save %15.

Simple Reminders - 20 stickers of common sense: 

Ten Deep Breaths - a bracelet to help you manage stress:

Ten Deep Breaths - a bracelet to help you manage stress

A few kind words - Simple words of encouragement and affirmation:

A hanky - for sad and happy tears:

They did a little interview with me which you can read here.

This project was such a great fit from the start. I often draw things that are reminders to myself to lighten up, focus on the good things, etc., and they often end up resonating with others. So to work on a project whose goal is to create something fun, a little uplifting and encouraging, and often cheeky, was perfect.

A hug! - This kit contains everything you need to draw, decorate and send a big squeeze to someone special:

A little lift - one red balloon and a length of twine:

Space to think - a hardbound journal:

Eat Breakfast plate:

See the whole collection here, and don't forget to use coupon code 'firstaid' and save %15.

Department Store for the Mind will be setting up a pop-up Christmas shop in Old Street Station in London, UK, from Dec. 15-23. So if you are in the area, stop in and say hello for me.