Everything is going to be OK - from Chronicle Books

Everything Is Going To Be OK is a new, lovely little hardcover book out from Chronicle Books, and I am thrilled to have a post-it note drawing in it.

It's a book full of positive, inspirational messages, all presented in a fun and fresh way.

Here's my piece - I'm on the last page:

The best part is being in the same book as some wonderful creative people, such as Austin Kleon, Marian Bantjes, Anthony Burrill, Clifton Burt, Mike Perry, and a whole bunch of others.

From Chronicle Books' description:

A little inspiration goes a long way. It's the end of the naughties, and things are starting to look up: cropping up everywhere are messages of sincerity, optimism, and hope, and the good cheer has spread to the world of art and design. This pocket-sized volume is filled with artwork bearing mottos of encouragement and affirmation. Featuring work from a diverse roster of indie artists, designers, and crafters—including beloved figures such as Mike Perry, Marian Bantjes, Marc Johns, Enormous Champion, and Yee-Haw Industries, as well as a host of emerging new talents—this hip take on the classic cheer-you-up gift book is the perfect visual treat for anyone whose spirits need a little lift from time to time.

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