Breakthrough - a book about overcoming creative block

I'm in this book:

Super talented renaissance man Alex Cornell asked me and 89 other creatives to contribute our take on creative block, and the result is this book from Princeton Architectural Press. A very good book.

Here's the spread with my contribution:

Here are two of my suggestions for overcoming creative block:

Change your materials
Try pen and paper. It forces you to focus on the basics, on simple solutions. Use crayons. Use chalk. Write on your hand. Take that paper cup from the coffee shop, cut it open, lay it out flat and draw on that. Attack it like a wild animal.

Stop thinking like a designer or writer or whatever you are for a minute. Pretend you’re a pastry chef. Pretend you’re an elevator repair contractor. A pilot. A hot dog vendor. How do these people look at the world?

The book also includes wisdom from Debbie Millman, Douglas Rushkoff, Khoi Vinh, Paula Scher, Jon Contino, Cameron Moll, and a ton of other brilliant people.

Here's a spread with Christoph Niemann and Jamie Lidell:

And here's musician Alexi Murdoch, a big favourite of my wife and I:

Brain Pickings did a really nice, lengthy write-up about it, and Swiss Miss did a great post about it too. I'm so honoured to be a part of it.

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