the artist entrepreneur

I was recently interviewed by Sarah Vermunt of Careergasm for an article on making a living as an artist. Super honoured! You can read it on Huffington Post and Forbes.

I'm approaching the three-year-mark of being a full time artist. I get lots of emails from aspiring artists and illustrators, asking me for tips on how to make it all happen (be yourself! no gimmicks! try lots of things! be patient!). And too often I get asked the wrong questions.

So I've been putting together some material about what it is that I actually do that allows me to make a living at this. I'm not sure if this blog is the place to start sharing this sort of thing, or if I need a new outlet (newsletter? new blog? book? carrier pigeon?).

But if you're interested in hearing more about being an artist on the internet, sign up here and I'll send you updates. 

And, if there's anything in particular you'd like to know, you can always leave a comment or send me an email (hello [at] Thanks!